Address: 40 Tramway Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122
Phone: (505) 856-6692
April 2012: This review was written by GF Lady, the previous owner of and is used here with her permission.
I was invited to attend a large dinner along with my husband and his co-workers at Sandiago’s. It’s usually unpleasant for me to participate in this type of event because I have not been very successful obtaining truly gluten-free meals in restaurants that specialize in Mexican food.
I called the restaurant a couple days before the event and spoke with Amity, who was a wealth of information. Amity told that the only items the restaurant serves that contain gluten are the flour tortillas and the batter for the fish tacos. Sandiago’s green chile does not contain
flour and the corn chips are gluten free because they are fried in fresh oil at the beginning of the day. She also said if I wanted to completely prevent cross contamination, I should order one of the entrées that was grilled. The meals that are grilled aren’t prepared in the same area as the Mexican food selections so they are never in the vicinity of gluten. After speaking to Amity, I went from dreading the evening to really looking forward to it.When it came time to order my meal, I still went through my normal list of questions for the server and he took the extra effort to speak with the chef to see what he recommended I order. The Mahi Mahi was among the suggestions and it was a fantastic choice. Two Mahi Mahi steaks were grilled and placed in large bowl that contained rice and a creamy wine broth full of vegetables and jalepenos. It was a delicious, perfectly-spiced, gluten-free meal!
Sandiago’s is at the base of the tram and every table has a panoramic view of our gorgeous city. It is a great place for a special occasion or to simply while away an evening watching the sunset from the balcony.